
Time for a Tune-Up?

The top third of the image has the text "Time for a tune-up? How to check whether your mission/vision/tagline are still serving you well." Below the text is an assortment of hand tools.

It’s critical your messaging accurately reflects your organization’s identity to your donors, staff, and board — especially when cruising into fundraising season. Don’t wait for the “check engine” light to go on to give your mission, vision, or tagline a tune-up.

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Every Picture Tells A Story

person with short hair standing in front of and facing a multi-colored wall with their phone out ready to record

When was the last time you looked at your website? Like really examined it. Consider the pictures staring back at you. Are they telling your nonprofit’s entire story?

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A Watched Brand Pot Never Boils – Over!

If you don’t watch it, your org’s brand pot will boil over before you even realize it’s happening. After years of experience in this area, I have come to realize the number one reason why nonprofits veer off brand. Keep reading to learn what it is as well as how to avoid it and keep your brand on track.

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Oh What a Brilliant Website You’ll Weave

Does your org have a funder-friendly website? In this article, Dan Osheyack shares his practical tips for building a nonprofit website that is effective, engaging, and 100% brand. Keep reading to learn why this is a must have for your nonprofit.

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Board Member or Brand Shepherd… Or Both?

As a nonprofit leader, it is up to you to be a “Brand Shepherd” for your organization — but what about your board members? Let’s dig deeper into your board’s role in sharing your org’s story.

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My Two Best Funder Meetings – And Why They Worked!

I’m going to share with you here two examples of meetings with not-for-profit organizations that went extremely well due almost entirely to the Executive Director’s understanding of their role as Brand Shepherd for their organizations.

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Template: Exit Interviews for Board and Staff

Exit interviews are a must. While board and staff turnover are part of the deal in any organization, understanding the WHY is critical to a thriving nonprofit. But what questions should you ask?

Template: People, Staff, Board

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