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The board of your dreams. A workplace of choice.
Robust fundraising. Ample resources.

Is this what you want for your nonprofit?

(Click to watch the video below)

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Want to learn more? Keep reading below...

Attention: Nonprofit Board and Staff Leaders...

I'm glad you're here.

Are you ready...

  • To grow your programs and inspire more people to engage in the work?
  • To become a "workplace of choice?"
  • To create financial stability?
  • To build an organization where everyone works together, smartly, toward the fulfillment of your mission?

Then you – and your nonprofit – are ready to thrive.

And, if that's what you want for your nonprofit, then stay with me, because you're in the right place.

You stepped up and became a leader at a smaller nonprofit because you wanted make a real difference...

When you raised your hand to help lead a nonprofit you did something truly wonderful.

You advocate, educate, provide services, and repair the world in ways large and small.

The world is changing and nonprofits – and their leaders – need to step up their games right now.

Your nonprofit needs to succeed and there are a lot of people desperately counting on you to make it happen. Truly, there is no time to waste.

Do you have the resources you need to help your nonprofit thrive?

But everything seems kind of out of control...

Nonprofits are messy. They're hardwired that way.

There’s rarely enough money, too many cooks, and an abundance of passion. Messy.

As the leader of a nonprofit – especially a smaller one – this messiness makes you feel exhausted and overwhelmed a lot of the time. You’re being pulled in a million directions and sometimes you feel all alone.

Any of these sound familiar?

  • An Executive Director who can’t possibly take a vacation – ever – because if she missed a week all the work would literally stop.
  • A sole staff member that could have oh-so-much more impact if only there was remotely adequate funding.
  • A board chair who often bickers with the Executive Director and is frustrated that board members don't raise nearly enough money.

I bet they do. Messy.

You think large nonprofits must have it SO much easier... (and in some ways they do)

Wouldn't it be so nice to have a board with deep pockets? A large staff? A brand everyone has heard of?

Sure. Big nonprofits have some nice advantages. Though many of these challenges can happen at big nonprofits too.

In many ways smaller nonprofits have it tougher.

Why? Because larger, well-funded nonprofits have the capacity to get outside help. They can hire consultants, fundraising experts, have their board get expensive ongoing training, spend for professional development opportunities or expensive donor software.

That’s a big advantage.

But at a smaller nonprofit like yours? Not a chance.

It’s a big problem. And one I aim to fix.

Introducing the
Nonprofit Leadership Lab

The Nonprofit Leadership Lab provides staff and board leaders just like you with the education, support, and community you need to build a thriving nonprofit today.

No more feeling alone or overwhelmed.

Together, we can turn your work into the dream job it was meant to be.

Don’t wait one day longer. The world is counting on us.

So what IS the Nonprofit Leadership Lab?

The Nonprofit Leadership Lab is the world's best online program for nonprofit leaders.

The Lab is here to guide you, teach you, and support you. And that's just what you'll get.

An outstanding education, support when you need it, and a community of nonprofit leaders just like you who are there to network with and lean on.

Imagine what would it mean for you if:

  • Your nonprofit functioned a whole lot better
  • Your day-to-day work became a whole lot more fun, energizing, and meaningful
  • And your ability to impact the world became a lot more significant

You don't have to imagine.

Hint: It's less than the cost of your daily coffee
(Much less if we're talking Starbucks...)

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In the Nonprofit Leadership Lab you get the three key things every nonprofit leader needs...

Outstanding Training

So let's talk about how the Lab works. What you'll get when you join.

All course materials, instruction, and downloads are provided in an exclusive, members-only website. You'll have your own login and will be able to follow along and learn at your own pace.

A big part of my mission is to help reduce your stress level – not add to it. I know how busy you are. So I want to make sure your involvement in the Lab is completely manageable.

That's why, while you'll have access to the Lab's entire library, we'll deliver just one piece of new content each week, designed to help you achieve something attainable and specific... something that will make a real difference at your nonprofit without overwhelming you.

Each week you'll get a new one of these:

  • Multi-Part Video Courses
  • Expert Seminars
  • Book Clubs
  • Live "Member Makeovers"
  • Quick Wins
  • Templates and Checklists

Your Most Helpful Community

Come for the education, stay for the community.

The Lab community will become the peer network you always wish you had – there to offer expertise and resources. If you have a question, this is where you'll get answers from me, my team, AND your colleagues in the community.

In fact, there are times when your colleagues will have the winning piece of advice.

Being active in the community will hold you accountable and drive you further, farther, and faster.

Take advantage of this amazing resource and become an integral part of a real professional network that will be helpful in your current job and, just maybe, set you on the path for your next one.

Ongoing Support

As you work through the materials, you're going to have questions. You'll want help applying something to your specific situation.

Members of the Nonprofit Leadership Lab get direct support from me and other members of my team. Outside of my consulting clients, my focus is with the members of the Lab, including frequent opportunities for live Q&A sessions where you can ask me your questions in real time.

Plus, we capture every question and answer into a searchable database. As a Lab member, if you have a question, it's probably been asked before and you can find it in our Q&A Knowledgebase!

And, of course, I'll be an active participant in the Lab community.

5 Things That Make the Lab Unique

1. Our Lineup of Experts

We regularly bring in 5-star experts in event planning, fundraising, getting press on the cheap, legal, management, self-care, finance and more. We also bring in authors of new books that we feel will build your leadership skills, such as Kathleen Kelly Janus, author of Social Start Up Success.

2. Board and Staff Together

There is NOTHING like this out there for board leaders. FULL STOP. Board leaders are so often ill equipped for the job. Not because they lack the skills, but because the role is unclear and the role is nuanced and can be hard. Hearing from staff leaders unfiltered has helped so many become better board leaders.

3. Lots of Me (Joan Garry)

Most mornings I jump into the Lab over coffee to provide advice and assistance. I love it! Sometimes I'll post from the beach. If I'm going to speak an event, I organize local "meetups" and get to meet Lab members in person. People often say I'm like a supportive neighbor.

4. A Warm and Supportive Community

In our community space, the Village - you are never alone. You will post something and someone who has had a similar experience will chime in with a cyber-hug & sound advice. We have a large variety of sectors represented and connections get made which and result in collaborations.

5. Authenticity, Humor and Accessibility

How is the Lab different? There are other good resources out there, for sure. But while instructive, they are often clinical and somewhat antiseptic. Nonprofits are messy. So we need to be real, authentic, and genuine. We work to keep your spirits up with joy and humor.


We are obsessive advocates and champions for your success.

"What would you tell somebody considering the Nonprofit Leadership Lab?"

"It's a wonderful way to expose yourself to new ideas."

Heidi Dressler, Executive Director
Threshold Choir

"I feel like I have a personal mentor right by my side."

Adrien Stinnett, Executive Director
J 127 Ministry

"I no longer feel alone."

Jeremie Miller, Director of Operations
Indrani's Light Foundation

 "The resources are incredible."

Dr. Tim Walbridge, Chairman/Founder/CEO Lazarus Living

"Are you familiar with the movie 'Up'... with the talking dogs?"

Sarah Audet, Executive Director
Dinners With Love

"I wanted to know how to pitch to new board members..."

Adrienne McCue, Founder
Step Up For Mental Health

"For the first time, I feel like I'm not out here all by myself."

Miriam Lundell, Executive Director
The Chase Academy

"The Lab has been instrumental in my professional development."

Noelani Pearl Hunt, Interim CEO Hand in Hand Parenting

"I have learned so much this last year."

Cindy Tyler-Costa, Founder
All About Hope

“I celebrated one of (if not THE) best board meetings I've had in my 8 years as ED. I owe it to this program. The videos on how to have great board meetings transformed the way I view our board, and I revamped the meetings with a stronger agenda, following Joan's advice. Inspired. Enriched. Now they are ignited, possibly for the first time ever! I. Love. This. Program.”

Deborah Walsh Dobbs

Executive Director, The Counseling Place

Here's an example of some of the content you'll find in the Lab...

Rethinking Your "Elevator Speech"
(Video Course)

How to Answer the Tough Questions in a Grant Proposal
(Quick Win)

How to Avoid Burnout
(Expert Seminar with Beth Kanter)

From Good to Great and the Social Sectors
(Book Summary)

Annual Fundraising Plan for Boards

How to Run a Great Board Meeting
(Video Course)

And there's SO much more but I don't want to overwhelm you!

"How much time will the Lab take? I'm pretty busy..."

Time is the most valuable resource we have. So I can understand why you might be wondering if you have enough time to fully participate in the Nonprofit Leadership Lab and get everything you possibly can out of it.

The good news is that once you join, the Lab is available 24/7. So you can learn when it's most convenient for you. If something comes up and you miss a few days or even a couple of weeks, it's not a problem. You just pick up where you left off.

How much time it will take to go through the materials depends on you. Most weeks you should be able to get through the material in 30 minutes or less. That's it.

The key is to intentionally schedule some time on your calendar specifically for your personal leadership growth.

And, of course, you'll definitely want to spend time with the community.

Let's recap the benefits of joining the Lab...

"I created the Nonprofit Leadership Lab because I wanted to fill a gap – especially for board and staff leaders at smaller nonprofits that need advice, suggestions, a shot in the arm."

- Joan Garry

An invaluable community of nonprofit leaders just like you, all with similar challenges, all interested in supporting one another as you thrive, together.

Access to EVERY training, resource, and Q&A recording.

LIVE calls with me (Joan) where I'll answer your questions.

A board and staff that works together as partners, where everyone understands their roles.

An organization seen as a "workplace of choice".

Programs that show clear and measurable impact.

Messaging that is clear and compelling.

A clear plan for dealing with crises.

A thoughtful long-term strategy developed jointly with your board and staff that sets an inspiring vision.

You'll feel a lot more supported and a lot less overwhelmed.

You'll remember that you really do have a dream job.

And all for just $37 per month...

(The price will never be this low again.)

Who am I exactly?

Hi there. 

I'm Joan Garry, a big champion of the nonprofit sector.

I'm a consultant and published author on nonprofit leadership, a regular panelist on NBC's Emmy awarding winning show "Give", and the founder of the Nonprofit Leadership Lab. I'm also a popular blogger and podcaster on nonprofit leadership issues and I teach at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.

In my work with thousands of nonprofits all across America, and through my own staff experience as the Executive Director of GLAAD as well as my board experience as a committee chair, I've seen first hand the challenges that nonprofit leaders like you face every day.

And I totally get it...

I really do.

I know all about the struggles of nonprofit leaders from deep experience.

For nearly a decade I served as the Executive Director of GLAAD, a nonprofit that at the time had a bigger name than a bank account.

On my first day on the job, I met with our CFO and learned we only had $360 in the bank, hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and payroll due in a week for 18 employees.

And as the brand new ED, I was somehow supposed to fix it all.

But here's the thing. I had never done a lick of fundraising in my entire life and there was nobody around to guide me on what to do. Well, certainly nobody who had been in my shoes. I felt overwhelmed and alone.

So I totally get it. But, with all that being said, I've got good news.

You can change your situation. You can create a thriving nonprofit – no matter your size. You can help so many more people.

That's what I did.

And I'm going to help you do just that.

"Can I Afford It?"

I get it. Most small nonprofits don't have a budget for professional development. It's very possible this is coming out of your own pocket.

So I know how important it is to keep this as affordable as possible. The Lab should not be a burden.

Since this is the first time we're launching the Lab, I decided to offer to our charter members the lowest price we can. That's why it's only $37 per month. The next time we open enrollment, the price will almost definitely be higher.

But as long as you keep your membership active, you'll be grandfathered into this lower price forever. Even when new members come in and pay more, you'll get to keep this lower price.

But maybe you're still feeling like it's still kind of expensive.

For you, I'd like to put this in perspective...

The Lab costs less than...

  • 3 lunches a month
  • That gym membership you rarely use
  • 3 movie theatre tickets per month (or 2 in New York City)
  • Your internet connection

What is that worth to you? To your nonprofit?

“For 2 years I felt like I was winging it..... A LOT. The tools, tips, and support given here is PRICELESS! I honestly was almost crying to find a group of support like this!”

Adair Moffett-Reese

Executive Director

"Can I think about it? Do I have to decide right now?"

The registration period will close at midnight Eastern time on Thursday, October 25. I'm doing this so I can focus on our charter members rather than on trying to bring in new members.

If you miss the deadline, it will be a while before I open registration again. So I hope you'll join the Lab now. But if you do miss it, we'll start a list and I'll email you the next time registration opens.








Still need more convincing?

(click the "Full Screen" icon on any video to make it larger)

"The confidence to not be afraid to go global with my vision."

Tishy Bunk, Founder / ED
Global Ocean Network

"I've gone from a board of 4 to a board of 12, fully engaged."

Aaron Saenz, President
San Gabriel Valley LGBTQ Center

"It's not exactly a 'magic bullet,' but it's pretty close."

Dr. Olivia Mullins, Founder
Science Delivered

"Smartest thing I ever did."

Barbara Ingraham, Board Leader
The Milwaukee Breakwater Lighthouse

As you look to make a decision...

... just know this.

If you are feeling overwhelmed dealing with your staff, your board, your donors, your volunteers, your programs, your fundraising, your story, or your strategy...

It's OK. This is totally normal.

The challenging part for most of us is that we try to manage all of this ourselves in addition to all the other responsibilities we have in our lives.

Life is an ongoing competition for your time and attention – and a competition that you often don't win. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Ask yourself this... what is important in your life right now?

What do you want to achieve in the months ahead?

What goals do you have related to building a thriving nonprofit that keep getting pushed to the back burner?

You have an opportunity to do something about that right now. Today.

So if you are...

... ready to help your nonprofit function a whole lot better

... ready for your day-to-day work to become a lot more fun, energizing, and meaningful

... and ready for your ability to impact the world to become a lot more significant

Then you – and your nonprofit – are ready to thrive.

The Nonprofit Leadership Lab is a program that I KNOW can transform your nonprofit.

Let this be the beginning of your journey to a thriving nonprofit.

Just $37 per month.

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All Content Copyright Nonprofit Leadership Lab LLC